Kush Bottles CEO Selected to Present at New York City’s Largest Cannabis Industry Convention

LOS ANGELES, May 26, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Kush Bottles, Inc. (OTCQB: KSHB), America’s premier supplier of packaging, accessories, and branding solutions for the legal cannabis industry, announced that company Co-Founder and CEO, Nicholas Kovacevich, will speak at the Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo in New York on June 17, 2016.

The conference brings together industry leaders from around the world to share ideas, impart knowledge, and create connections. Kovacevich, who is recognized as one of the leading and most successful entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry, will be speaking about the many facets of establishing a new business – the regulatory hurdles, raising capital, and the complexities of maintaining compliance.  Other notable speakers include former NFL Super Bowl Champion, Leonard Marshall, and the founder of industry’s NORML group, Keith Stroup.

“I look forward to meeting with other industry executives and having the opportunity to give counsel to those looking to enter the cannabis market or strengthen their existing business,” Kovacevich commented. “Part of our core philosophy at Kush Bottles is to help others by sharing expertise and information.  This platform will allow me to share tips and insight I’ve learned from developing Kush Bottles into one of the premier brands in the cannabis industry.”

The Kush Bottles executive team is known for its leadership in cannabis compliance, as they have often worked as advisors to state regulatory agencies, including the Colorado MED and the Oregon State Liquor Control Commission. The team regularly educates customers on the complex regulations and rules, and has developed patent-pending products designed to meet these specific regulations.

For more information on the World Cannabis Business Expo and Conference, visit: www.cwcbexpo.com

For more information on Kush Bottles, visit: www.kushbottles.com

About Kush Bottles:

Kush Bottles is a premier packaging supplier, offering certified child-resistant and custom-branded solutions in all states that permit medical or recreational cannabis use. With over 100 million bottles sold, the company is respected for its quality products, exceptional customer service, fast deliveries, and innovative custom design and branding solutions.

Kush Bottles (ticker: KSHB) is one of the few cannabis-focused businesses that is publicly traded and has demonstrated profitability and revenue growth without direct involvement with cannabis plants or extracts.

Kush Bottles has been featured in media nationwide, including CNBCLos Angeles TimesTheStreet.com, and Inc. Magazine.

For more information, visit www.kushbottles.com or call (888)-920-5874.

Connect :

Website: www.kushbottles.com
Facebook: facebook.com/kushbottles
Twitter: twitter.com/kushbottles
Blog: kushbottles.wordpress.com

Media Inquiries:

Innovation Agency

SOURCE Kush Bottles, Inc.

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